2019 at Inter-American Development Bank

Artists with Disabilities from Japan and Latin America and the Caribbean Meet the Nature and Cultures of the Region


Dates: Wednesday, June 19th to Friday 21th, 2019

Venue: IDB  Inter-American Development Bank

1300 New York Ave NW, Washington, DC

Host: NPO Art of The Rough Diamonds and Friends of IDB

Artists: Naohisa Adachi, Kent Dai, Taro Ito, Toshiko Takeishi, Sayaka Yokomizo

supported by UPS,ANA

We also participate in the “By The People”, the art event organized by the Halcyon Art Lab in Washington D.C.


There are plentiful disabled artists who have marvelous talent in the Region. However, it is the reality that their works barely gather others’ eyes. Nor they have few opportunities to exhibit their works. This exhibition focus upon five mentally disabled but specially-talented artists in Japan, who are highly apprised their works by art experts, to present the cross-cultural impact to the issue of social inclusion of the handicapped persons in the Latin America and Caribbean region. The five artists express in their works emotions with their amazing artistic talents to encounter the nature and cultures of the Region. We approach their essence of art and philosophy.


場所:米州開発銀行 アトリウムギャラリー(ワシントンD.C.)

主催:特定非営利活動法人アート・オブ・ザ・ラフダイヤモンズ,Friends of IDB

協賛:UPS,全日本空輸 (順不同:敬称略)

またこの企画展は、ハルシオン財団主催にて開催されるアートイベントBy The Peopleにも参加しています。

この企画展は、ラテンアメリカとカリブ海地域における障害者の社会的包含の問題に異文化間の影響を提示するために、日本の知的障害ならびに精神疾患のある特別な才能を持つアーティストに焦点を合わせます。 5人のアーティストは、それぞれの素晴らしい芸術的な才能により地域の自然や文化を表現します。




Messi by Kento Dai
Capybara by Naohisa Adachi
Samba Carnival in Brazil by Sayaka Yokomizo
Orca Costa Rican offshore type by Taro Ito
Coffee plantation series, make some coffee by Toshiko Takeishi